"Glad to know someone else thinks Eyes Wide Shut is one of Kubrick's best films."

"I wouldn't say The Blind Side is one everyone loves. Just because it got Best Picture nomination doesn't mean that everyone loved it. It had quite a mixed critical response. The Academy are just very "

"Well, I've not seen either of them so I can't say why. I just found it on Wikipedia but had no reason."

"Well, yeah think everyone will think that tbh Yeah I agree about Half-Blood Prince."

"Great list. The Town really is that good?"

"Great list! Must say that the picture in the note of Alice In Wonderland isn't actually of Wonderland in the film. That's after Alice woke up after being to Wonderland."

"Hmmm... great list and you get my vote but how about you use the spoiler codes which'll cover up the spoilers and if one's seen the film then can read it?"

"Hmmmm... yeah he was great in that film but nothing compared to Silence Of The Lambs. Well, I love Brad Pitt and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button but his performance perhaps wasn't as mesmerising "

"Yeah. I'm gonna add some pictures when I get the time to do that :)"

"Because they couldn't have thought of a stronger story."

"I agree that A Serious Man was the worst of the 10. Inglourious Basterds, Up, Avatar and Up In The Air deserved it more than the actual winner The Hurt Locker."

"And how he's not won an Oscar for any of these, I'll never know!! The Departed, Revolutionary Road, Titanic and Shutter Island are his best!"

"Great list! Think most people would have 2001, Clockwork and Shining in top 3 but in different orders. I have Clockwork and Shining as my #1 and #2 of top Kubricks but Dr. Strangelove at #3."

"Would you include Sam Rockwell in Moon? He plays one character but there are two of him.."

"lol thanks :P I find the villains better than the heroes anyway lol"

"Hmmmm... I don't understand because you've said "best action films and you have 3.5 Dark Knight first, then 4.5 Departed and 1.5 City Of God..."

"lol. I'm not saying they're all bad. My ratings of most of them are usually 3.5 plus. As I said in the list info (probably didn't read it) that I have written a couple of reasons why the public have o"