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Graphic, intense thrill ride! Best of the Rambo's!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:12 (A review of Rambo)

I can see why people hate the Rambo franchise because Sylvester Stallone is one of the worst living actors but he is really good for the Rambo character as far as appearance is concerned. Also because it has light lack of story and characters (other than Rambo) but at the end of the day, Rambo is a film full of action with a very enjoyable story. It actually like the Rambo series. None of the stories in all four films aren't that powerful but Rambo 1 and 4 made a lot of tense to me whereas 2 and 3 didn't. It was a very violent film like they all are. The violence is very realistic because a weapon comes at someone so quickly and sudden. Most violent of all of Rambo films so far with a lot of blood and guts. Rambo's more violent than ever. If there is going to be a Rambo V, then I could be rather excited about it. Weird that there is completely thrilling action and then once it finishes, the film ends pretty quickly. I was thinking that it would be a disappointment especially after a Rambo film hadn't been seen in 20 years but it turned out to be a success.

Stallone shines up Rambo after his disasterous and awful performance in Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI). Stallone brings a new Rambo. I saw a heard, deadly Rambo but also saw a Rambo that has a nice helpful side. Rambo has always worked alone in previous three films but works with a group in this one which makes him slightly different. Still typical Rambo appearance but voice is a lot deeper and Stallone makes Rambo a more bulging and a bigger build. He looks fatter aswell. Rambo has slightly less use of knives but used guns and arrows more now. He never seems to stop. He continues to save people and kill the people responsible. I really used to hate Sylvester Stallone but I sort of like him as Rambo. I couldn't believe how different Rambo looks in the fourth compared to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd film.

Sylvester Stallone directed this film pretty well. It is the only Rambo film that he directed and he showed he can do it. The script was definitely the best written of all four. It was very well handled and there weren't many flaws at all really which in a way surprised me. As I said the violence was very realistic to watch and was very comical aswell as real effective blood. Villains capture women and throw them into crowds for them to be either raped or just killed. Action is outstanding with lots of great cinema effects. Music score sound the same as it always did. Theme played at end of film. It ended like it was the end for Rambo and ended like he could be back for more action. A lot like Indy 4 as far as fourth in a franchise and third in franchise was almost 20 years earlier is concerned.

The fourth Rambo is the best of all four. I was especially pleased with this one because Rambo III was awful and it rose up again. Should be considered on the list of top action films of 2008.

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Underrated history film.

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:11 (A review of The Duchess)

I knew I would like this film but I had no idea that I would love it as much as I did. There are many reasons for this. I really loved the story of this one because it was very powerful with a lot of raw emotion and also a lot of amazing qualities within it. It made me feel really quite upset for Georgina because she doesnt deserve anything she gets from her husband and her best friend. I find it an amazing and powerfulstory that is a true story but has a lot of moments in the film that do happen in real life even now. It was a real feel good film because of the beautiful sceneries within it and what beauty can be brought out in this world. There are more reasons why I love this film so much. I love period dramas like this and history films and this is one of my favourite history films.

Keira Knightleys performance is in my opinion the best performance of her career so far because I think she has portrayed the most powerful character yet in her young career. I am starting to love Keira in this period dramas with rich costumes and rich families just like she is in Atonement. I loved her performance in Atonement but loved her performance even more in The Duchess. I think that this performance from Keira can be close to a possible nominee for Best Actress Oscars. She is certainly on my list for that award. Keira is an actress that some people would expect the same from her. I do see the same with her in some films because she looks the same pretty much every time she is in a film but she portrays different characters in her young career. She has only disappointed me once and that was her performance as Domino Harvey in Domino. Please, Keira, bring us some more awesome period dramas. Ralph Fiennes performance is awesome aswell as the Duke Of Devonshire because he brings together once again a powerful character with a hard and cold heart. He is a really strict character in this one because he acts like Henry VIII. He is a character that expects a male heir even though it isnt him nor Georgina to decide, it was just fate. His abusive attitudes with women are really bad. It is bad that he still expects them to do as he says. I find Ralph Fiennes to be good at that as he always has been as a villain. If there was a film involving Henry VIII like The Other Boleyn Girl, I do think he would be amazing for that role. He is like a really controlling psycho. He leads Georgina into a no way out situation which causes problems for other characters within the film too.

I really liked Saul Dibbs direction in this film. It was a lot like the way a director like Joe Wright would direct it especially after he directed Pride And Prejudice and Atonement which previously starred Keira Knightley. Dibb hasnt done any films that are well known until this one. So, it sort of seemed like a start to him and it was an absolutely awesome start. There was a lot of different types of angles used in this film.

It is one of Keira Knightleys best films. I did love her in Atonement, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Bend It Like Beckham and King Arthur. One of Ralph Fiennes best films too but love him more in Schindlers List and Harry Potter. It is an underrated film so far but does have a really good chance at the Oscars 2009.

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Inspiring film on war, courage and love

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:10 (A review of Defiance)

What an absolutely incredible film! I was really surprised how good it turned out to be. I knew I was going to like it anyway but I wasn't really predicting it to be amazing. I loved this film a lot because the story is really interesting and is very gripping to me. I was attracted to all of the characters and the way it was filmed. Defiance is an absolutely fantastic action film as well as a true story and bio-pic. The action involved is really hard-hitting and sudden. The action is almost the same kind but I loved it that way because the action was non-stop and very entertaining. To me, Defiance is a film that is really well told for a true story as I'm sure the novel is too. This is a film that is full of drama but it is full of desirable pride and courage to stand up to the bad people in the world.

After the disappointing Quantum Of Solace, Daniel Craig has brought my attention to him again now after seeing Defiance because it was great seeing him in action again with at least a decent story this time. Craig portrays Tuvai Bielski with a terrific performance. Tuvai is the oldest of the four Bielski brothers and because he started to build up the group of Jews living in the woods he became the leader of the group as well. Daniel Craig's accent was okay but did quite a tiny bit annoying at times. It was really weird hearing a British man speak an Eastern European accent and I haven't heard him speak like that before in a film. Liev Schreiber was good as Zus Bielski but he was the most troublemaking one of the brothers because he was always fighting with Tuvai over the problems regarding the large amount of Jews in the woods may cause. Jamie Bell is really awesome as well as Asrael who is the third Bielski brother. Bell portrays a man who died rather young during a battle in WWII just after the events that occurred in this film. This film introduced Mia Wasikowska as Chaya who was the love interest of Asael Bielski. Wasikowska is going to make an even bigger name for herself in the upcoming Tim Burton film Alice In Wonderland when she portrays Alice.

Edward Zwick is a director that I have always admired for making epic war stories true or untrue. His work in Defiance was a lot like how he directed The Last Samurai but it is more realistic in Defiance and I found the storyline more exciting. Zwick has created an absolutely marvelous epic that I loved from start to finish and found impactful throughout every seond of it. The script was adapted into two different things in two brilliant ways: the novel and the true life story of the characters. For the past three Zwick films, he has had three actors playing three different kinds of characters: Tom Cruise (The Last Samurai), Leonardo DiCaprio (Blood Diamond) and Daniel Craig (Defiance).

This film was nominated for 1 Oscar: Best Music Original Score but lost to Slumdog Millionaire. It was nomianted for that same award at the Golden Globes but lost to Slumdog Millionaire. Defiance is an absolutely fantastic film that I find to be the best film of 2009 so far. It is Daniel Craig's best performance since Casino Royale. Mia Wasikowska was introduced really well in this film as Chaya. Can't wait to see her in Alice In Wonderland!! I am unsure what the best Edward Zwick film is between Defiance and Blood Diamond but one thing for sure is that they're both fantastic achievements.

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Weakest Indy but still brilliant!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:08 (A review of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)

When I heard that there was going to be a fourth Indiana Jones film I was thinking to myself: "Cool, but wonder how good or how bad it could be". I thought this film was bloody brilliant because it is very original with really cool characters apart from Mutt. Personally, I think Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull became just as successful and has earned very similar sorts of reviews as Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace did. Also because it was a new film to a franchise that was released over 10 years previously which connects Indiana Jones so well with Star Wars. Also because of George Lucas' involvement. I admit that the story wasn't as powerful as Raiders Of The Lost Ark nor Last Crusade but it was just as thrilling as them with same type of action. It felt like a family comedy because there were some humorous scenes particularly about Indy's age.

Harrison Ford brings Indiana Jones back into action in a huge way. Because of the story, Indy was funnier in this one than the other three. I don't think Harrison Ford liked Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull because he said "I didn't hate Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, I just thought it was disappointing." I really liked Cate Blanchett as villainous Col. Dr. Irina Spalko. She pulls off a good Russian accent and does look evil even though it is her first attempt at playing a villain. It was about bloody time that Cate was working with a director like Spielberg. I would love to see her in more of his films. I hated Shia Lebeouf as Mutt Williams. I thought his character and personality was absolutely pathetic. I mean, a biker in an Indiana Jones film. Come on! I really loved Karen Allen's return as Indy's old flame Marion Ravenwood who was in the first film: Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Ray Winstone plays Indy's friend Mac. Ray always makes his characters interesting because he plays, looks and sounds like Ray Winstone every time no matter what characters he plays. John Hurt was really weird as Professor Harold 'Ox' Oxley who is an old friend of Indy's. Jim Broadbent makes an appearance too as Dean Charles Stanforth who is another teacher in the school Indy teaches at.

I don't know whether Steven Spielberg was keen on Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull or not because I remember reading an article on IMDB about Ford and Spielberg not accepting the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull storyling that George Lucas thought of. Well, if they didn't like the story why can't they have thought of a different one. Despite this, I am sure Spielberg and Ford wanted to make Indiana Jones the original hero like he was before but I totally agree that they did do that with this fourth film. The story wasn't quite as realistic because there were aliens involved which is one very light but not very effective disappointment with Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Indy's relationship with Mutt was a lot like working together hard but working with a lot of impatience. There is a revelation of how Mutt is related to Indy in the film which you will just have to wait and see. Marion's relationship with Indy brought back memories of Raiders Of The Lost Ark. They both squabbled and argued over things in that film but they still did that in Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull but not as hard. It was Indy and Marion's first reunion in 27 years. Mac and Indy's relationship sort of confused me because one minute Mac was with Indy then he was against him. I guarantee that confused quite a lot of other people who have watched this film before. The sound effects were outstanding just like in pretty much all action films. The art direction brought us back down memory lane to the Temple Of Doom because Indy enters tombs, graveyards and churches in Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull which is very original of Indy to do that. Also, there are dead corpses found so that brings originality into it. Indy wears the same costume once again. Mutt's boots, gelled hair, leather jacket etc is just inappropriate. I mean, he could be the new Indiana Jones. It doesn't bring his taste to the missions. I loved Cate Blanchett's black haired wig she wore. It really suited her. The make-up and visual effects were just so stunning.

It sort of turned out like The Phantom Menace did in the Star Wars franchise regarding satisfaction within it. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is a fantastic action-packed family comedy thrill ride which I loved. One of the best summer blockbusters of 2008. I wouldn't call the whole film disappointing at all but it did have very light flaws I thought. Out of the four films there have been, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is my 2nd favourite of 4th with Raiders Of The Lost Ark - 1st, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - 2nd, Last Crusade - 3rd and Temple Of Doom - 4th. Welcome back, Indiana Jones. Please bring us some more Indy action but with a decent storyline. Thank you Ford, Lucas and Spielberg!

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Best acting from entire cast in a long time!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:06 (A review of Doubt)

Wow! This film was bloody amazing! Doubt is a story that brings light familiarity to 2006's Notes On A Scandal. The only difference is that it involves nuns and priests instead of teachers. Doubt turned out rather similar to the 81st Academy Awards like Notes On A Scandal did at the 79th what with the nominations. Doubt is probably one of the most powerful films of 2008 alongside Changeling, Revolutionary Road, The Wrestler and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. Because I couldn't find any showings at the cinema and the Oscar ceremony is less than a month away, I had no choice but to watch it online. Doubt is a film that really grabs your attention and holds you while you're watching it. Doubt is an amazing film but it is a very predictable film. The story had a very motivating and moving tone but it is quite delayed within the first 20 minutes because it is only until Sister Beauvier begins to suspect Father Flynn of child abuse within the school on a young black boy. It takes a very light twist but not a really shocking one though. The cast of Doubt is really well ensemble with all four actors earning Oscar and Golden Globe nominations.

Meryl Streep delivers her best performance in years as Sister Aloysius Beauvier. Meryl looked really grumpy, bitter and strict for that character's personality. Personally, it was about time Meryl played this type of character. Sister Beauvier is the principal of the attached school of the Bronx Catholic Church. I was blown away by how powerful she made every single scene be in this film. Sister Beauvier is very bitter and very firm with her students. She behaves a lot like Barbara in Notes On A Scandal. Phillip Seymour Hoffman in my honest opinion gives the performance of his career thus far as Father Brendan Flynn. Yes, better than palying Truman Capote. He was an amazing choice because Phillip does seem like that scheming and slimy type to play this sort of character. Also, he seems that typical type of actor to play a priest. Father Flynn is a priest in the Catholic church but is a sports teacher in the school. His career changes around when both Sister Beauvier and Sister James accuse him of child abuse. After seeing Enchanted, Amy Adams performance looked very good in Doubt and when I did see Doubt, her performance in my opinion is the best female supporting performance of 2008 so far. I really admire Amy even more as a person now as well as an actress. In the past 2 years she has portrayed characters that are totally different: a beautiful, charming and bright princess in 2007 and a young nun who is a teacher in 2008. Even at her young age, Amy revealed she is an actress to be reckoned with and is not to be underestimated. Viola Davis' performance was really amazing as Mrs. Miller who is the mother of accused victim Donald Miller. Mrs. Miller is a very mysterious woman and is questioned about what sort of mother she really is by Sister Beauvier of all people. Viola wasn't in the film for very long but she was really powerful and emotional in every single second of her two only scenes she was involved in. This film is the one film of 2008 that features the best performances from the entire cast.

John Patrick Shanley directs this film from his own novel and he certainly didn't disappoint at all. There have been some novels that have been made into films that were directed and published by the same person that have been bad but this is absolutely awesome. Writing a script can be rather easy from a novel but it is harder from a true life story in which I stated in one of my reviews. I think it was my Zodiac review.

Doubt is my favourite Phillip Seymour Hoffman film so far. Doubt is Meryl Streep's best performance since Sophie's Choice. It is Amy Adam's best performance so far. She has been in two masterpieces as far as I'm concerned. Doubt is a very powerful film but Changeling is the most powerful film of 2008. I liked Doubt more than Changeling. Doubt is another snub for Best Picture with The Dark Knight, Revolutionary Road, Changeling, WALL-E and The Wrestler.

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Best MARVEL film since Spider-Man 2.

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:05 (A review of Iron Man)

Iron Man truly is one of the coolest comic book adaptations of all time. I personally think that it is a film that is just kick ass and a film that people wouldnt take that seriously but would take it as a completely fun thrill ride. It was a story that wasnt as emotional and powerful as the Spider-Man trilogy and X-Men trilogy but it really was a story that adapted really well and was a really good example of a MARVEL comic film that would be suitable for young kids. It just thought that this film was a film that was almost a perfect comic book adaptation (for me that is) because I liked the main character, I really liked the story and pretty much all of the qualities that it holds. I think that the reason why I love this film so much is because of the way it is filmed and how awesome the qualities in this film was.

Robert Downey Jr. is absolutely amazing in this film as Tony Stark because I was really admired by his performance. I think it was mostly because I really liked his character. It was a really heroic character and at the same time it was a character that does sort of deserve a smack around the face because he is an arrogant character but in a hilarious way. I havent seen Robert Downey Jr in any other film before but this is a good start for him so far. I am desperate to see Zodiac, Chaplin, Tropic Thunder and a few others. Tony Stark is an awesome character with a lot of brains because at the start of the film, Tony builds a high-tech suit in a cave with little bits and after that he creates another one all alone, he makes fictional gadgets that are really creative and clever. Also, Stark has that HAL 9000 like computer to help him with his inventions. Robert Downey Jrs character is probably the coolest character out of all of MARVEL comic book adaptations. I liked Jeff Bridges in this film as Obadiah Stane because he is a really mean character but Obadiah is still a very powerful character. I thought Jeff Bridges was an outstanding choice for the character because Jeff is good at playing a villain and also a cool guy especially when he was The Dude in The Big Lebowski. Luckily, I thought that Obadiah was both evil and cool which fits Bridges almost perfect for the character. He was really good as that cold type and who is lusting for power. I think that Gwyneth Paltrow was a bad choice for Pepper Potts because I think that all the lines that Gwyneth had to say in this film were all say in a incorrect way. I have seen her in better films in the past. However, I do think that she made Pepper a beautiful and sexy character. Pepper is just like an innocent character who inadvertently gets involved in Starks Iron Man business. I mean she is an Oscar winner. There should have been an actress who isnt as well known as Gwyneth Paltrow but is around the same age as her though. I sort of liked Terrence Howard in this film as Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodey Rhodes too because he was like a young rookie cop who wants to be like Tony Stark and wants to be another Iron Man along with Stark. Rhodes is a really good friend of Starks who sort of helps Iron Man with the terrorising and despite that at first he goes after Iron Man and tries to kill him (that was before he knew Iron Man was Stark).

The direction from Jon Favreau was good because he needed to focus this film mostly on Stark than the other characters because there couldnt be any Iron Man film without concentrating mostly on Tony Stark. I liked the script but there was quite a few flaws and there was some scenes that werent really that good but overall was good. Tony Starks character is very different compared to other MARVEL heroes like Spider-Man, the X-Men, Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra and more because Iron Man is in my opinion the most realistic MARVEL film. It has the types of characters that use their heads and think about what they are doing.

Director Jon Favreau has done some good films so far and he has mostly focused on science fiction films. He also did Zathura aswell as Iron Man. This is my favourite Jon Favreau film so far even though I do love Zathura. The only thing that disappointed me about this film was the bad acting from Gwyneth Paltrow and Terrence Howard. Apart from that an outstanding blockbuster of summer 2008 and is a MARVEL masterpiece.

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Intense thrill-ride with Matrix-like effects.

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:03 (A review of Wanted)

This film really thrilled me because of the absolutely amazing action scenes with stunning visual effects. I was laughing because of the superb action and the extremely dangerous stunts that are taken in this film from both the characters and actors. The characters made me feel really tense too because I could feel the chemistry and tension between the characters between the characters.

James McAvoy delivers a good performance as Wesley Gibson but personally I think there could have been a better actor to portray the character. Angelina Jolie was awesome as Fox because she made a really good assassin and action packed character. Angelina is like this in Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Foxs tattoos looked really good on Angelina. Morgan Freeman delivers in my opinion a poor performance as Sloan because Morgan didnt quite make Sloan a powerful man whereas a different actor might have pulled it off. I liked Thomas Kretschmann aswell as Cross who tries to assassinate Wesley after he did assassinate his father.

Timur Bekmambetov has not made any well known films until Wanted was released. So, I dont know what to say about this section. The action is absolutely fantastic. Like I said, I laughed at it because it was so good. The slow-motion action is just like The Matrix visual effects. Apart from that, it is nothing like The Matrix. The make-up was simply awesome too. The art direction was good but could have sort of improved, the same with the costumes. The cinematography was awesome too. The sound was awesome too.

If I had to decide the Oscar nominations, I would say Wanted is a nominee for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound. If it doesnt become a nominee for neither award then I will be really disappointed. Mind you there is Iron Man, The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The Incredible Hulk and The Dark Knight to bear in mind. The only thing that sort of disappointed me was James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman apart from that a successful and awesome blockbuster that will be remembered for a long time. Bring us new awesome films Timur Bekmambetov!

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Another fantastic Coen film!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:02 (A review of Burn After Reading)

I find Burn After Reading absolutely hilarious. All of the characters involved are just brilliant. It is a film that is like really original of the genre comedy but in a really dark way which is obviously called a black comedy. Other ones like Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Trainspotting, Fargo and Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb. I find it to be the black comedy of the year so far and is a contender of a few Oscar nominations next February. This film really made me laugh not really because of what the characters were like but what was said by the characters said. Mostly John Malkovich made me laugh because he kept saying "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" all the time which is obviously rude but is bloody hilarious. So, when I watched Burn After Reading, I told her that it wasn't crap at all and deserves a lot of credit. But the one thing that did disappoint me a bit with this one was that I dont think that it was as well adapted as I had hoped because it was quite confusing and quite complex too.

George Clooney's performance was quite good because Harry is a complete slimeball because of his having an affair with a married Katie Cox. That is what is so good about Clooney at times because he is like an irresistable man in his films by playing a charming and irrestable character. He did make me laugh in some ways because of how much of an arsehole he is and the awkward position he gets himself into when he accidentally does something. Also, the situation where he is seeing two women by cheating on both of them with the other. Basically, two-timing them both. Frances McDormand makes me laugh as an actress not just as some of the characters she portrays. Her performance is really quite bizarre really because she wants to be in a relationship with a man and "get laid". She mostly makes me laugh by the desperate measures she takes by sleeping with any man. Frances does have those sorts of looks to look like a middle aged woman who wants a relationship. John Malkovich delivers in my opinion the best performance of the whole film and also one of the best performances of the year. He makes me laugh so much because he swears so much and says some things that he shouldnt really be saying to the people he is talking to. He is a bit of a slimeball aswell as Harry. I am predicting Malkovich for an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor but not a win. Winner for me will obviously be the late Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. Tilda Swinton is really good as Katie Cox because Katie is like a cold character which is like her character Karen Crowder in her recent Oscar winning performance in Michael Clayton. Brad Pitt was hilarious in this film. I couldn't stop laughing at him in this one. Brad doesn't really mix with comedies but he did in this one.

The Coens did another good job in this film. They made it a very original film with a big meaning. It is the Coens funniest film since The Big Lebowski. I did really like how they both pulled off a masterpiece No Country For Old Men and they pulled off another awesome follow-up but not a masterpiece. This film was well written by the Coen Brothers because it was really original and really quite masterful which is what the Coens are really like. But No Country For Old Men wasnt really an original story, it was more of a really hard thinking adapting story. Cleverly written scenes especially involving Osbourne Cox.

This is my least favourite Coen Brothers film even though I really enjoyed it. Like films like Fargo, The Big Lebowski and especially No Country For Old Men more. This is my favourite George Clooney of the films I have seen so far from him even though I dont really like him at all. Frances McDormand didnt dissapoint me but she is better in her Oscar winning performance in Fargo than in Burn After Reading. Burn After Reading is a film that should be considered as one of the must-see films of 2008.

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Very depressing and powerful film!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:01 (A review of Changeling)

I knew I was going to love Changeling because it seems very powerful and with said phenomenal performance and it is a Clint Eastwood film. This is the most powerful and emotional film of 2008 so far. In fact, it was so powerful and emotional I was literally blown away from it. I was almost crying when Christine was sent to the mental hospital. This film sends a very important message and that is that there are bad people in a business no matter what their profession is. This is a film that alot of parents who have had their children missing could like. Also, it can teach parents particularly single ones what can happen if one is too trusting with someone in which Christine was. I think this is probably one of the most powerful films of the decade and of all time.

Angelina Jolie has been in some crap in the past including a few Razzie nominations and wins but her performance as Christine Collins was absolutely outstanding which made it seem like another breakthrough performance. It is the best performance of her career. Her Oscar winning performance in Girl, Interrupted probably isn't better than Changeling. Angelina bought together a character that is mixed with reality because when the police 'find' her son, she is almost immediately convinced that the boy isn't her son and because she is refusing to accept that her son has been found, the police cruelly put her in a mental house. I bet it must have been hard for her because nobody believed her and especially being sent into a mental home sane and innocent. Angelina makes Christine her own character because of her powerful determination to the character. As far as not understanding why she is in a mental institution, Christine's character is quite similar to Josh Nash in A Beautiful Mind apart from he is mentally ill and she isn't. John Malkovich was really good as Rev. Gustav Briegleb but I preferred his performance in Burn After Reading. Briegleb is his second most powerful character after playing himself in Being John Malkovich.

Clint Eastwood directs this film like no other director could ever have done. He has made Changeling a truly amazing and powerful masterpiece. To me, this is THE perfect Clint Eastwood (as director) film which is why I would call Changeling his best film. The script made Clint Eastwood's reputation as director of this film even better.

It was powerful, emotional and quite thrilling too. This is the third best Clint Eastwood film after Mystic River and Million Dollar Baby. This is also Angelina Jolie's best role too. Please bring us masterful performances, Angelina, instead of being part of some shit. Changeling is a masterpiece that most people would remember as a film with a lot of true and powerful messages. This is one of my top drama films, one of the top of 2008, one of the best music scores and one of the best true story films too. I recommend it to every single living person on Earth which shows how much I love Changeling.

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Underestimated film turns out to be fantastic!!

Posted : 15 years, 2 months ago on 1 January 2010 11:00 (A review of Milk)

Milk is one of those films that some people wouldn't be interested in because its a film on homosexuals. Yes, it is about that but it is a heroic true life story about a man who leads his people to earn their rights as human beings. For any homosexuals out there when you watch this film, you could feel proud of being that way. Milk is a loving masterpiece for heterosexuals as well just like some other gay films are. Milk inspired me alot because of the commitment Milk made not just for his rights but every gay man or woman around the world. This film was very emotional to watch because of what happened to some of those homosexuals in the 1970s.

Sean Penn gives out his best performance to date. I am not used to seeing him playing a character like Harvey Milk because Penn has that sinister look in his eye and he plays those sorts of characters. However, there is one thing that Harvey Milk's character has in common with Jimmy Markum and Matthew Poncelet is that they are determined with very powerful personalities. Harvey Milk was in my opinion a similar sort of hero as Mahatma Gandhi was. Gandhi led his Asian people to freedom whatsoever the cost was. Milk did this aswell for gay rights. One reason why they are too similar is that they both died in the same way. Harvey Milk was like a general of an army of homosexuals who lead his people to rights and freedom as I said like Gandhi did and also like Moses did with the Hebrews. Josh Brolin was fantastic as Dan White He is in a bit of a crisis with his job. He is a favourite for Best Supporting Actor but I think winner has already been decided. James Franco was phenomenal too as Scott who was Milk's young lover. It's strange because I'm not used to seeing him and an actor like Sean Penn kiss each other. I think he could earn Oscar nomination too.

Gus Van Sant's directing was awesome because he wanted us to feel what it is like to be gay if you are or not. Also, he made us realise that gay rights are very important from all around the world. This is Gus Van Sant's best film so far which makes Milk better than Good Will Hunting. The script is original but it seems like a film that really needs checking through thoroughly with the script.

This is the best Sean Penn film, the best Gus Van Sant film, one of my top biography films and one of the best films of 2008. This film brings together one of the biggest heroes in cinema history in my opinion. This film is beyond words. It is a story which is positive for homosexuals and homosexuality in general. Trust me, if you are gay or not this film will inspire you from start to finish.

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